Spiritual Truth About This Life

Spiritual Truth About This Life

By Dr. Sharon Caulder

The spiritual truth is that we are spiritual beings-souls-consciousness– having a human experience. Our body is merely a temporary tool to move us around this earth in order for us to complete our human education. As souls, we are nonphysical beings currently visiting the physical world. We are far more than bipedal human primates.

The Power of Music

The Power of Music

By Dr. Scott M. Taylor

Binaural beats are an intriguing audio technology that have been proven to shift brainwave states, which can enhance well-being and health. According to leading-edge researchers, the beats can open up an expanded state of awareness that enables you to literally journey “beyond the veil” to connect with discarnate spirits, ancestors, and guides.

The Shaman’s Dream Oracle

The Shaman’s Dream Oracle

By Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D

A dream itself is an oracle. Oracles impart wisdom from a divine source, from beyond your own ego. Dreams access a story that is hidden to us, allowing us to go deeper into our own understanding of ourselves and the world at large.